DescriptionNote: Shunt interface moved to separate product page to avoid confusion! Click here to view
The new EVMS3 now receives current information from a current sensor installed on the CAN bus. This allows for a wider range of install locations, and will normally be installed in the same CAN bus string as nearby BMS modules.
Two options are available, based on either a hall effect current sensor, or an interface to a current shunt. Hall sensors are more compact, easier to install, offer a high current rating and generate no heat. Shunts are a little cheaper, and offer slightly better zero-point consistency, so are often a better option where average currents are smaller.
Hall sensor versions are available with 300A, 600A or 1200A max. Smaller sensors offer proportionally higher measurement accuracy so are more appropriate in lower current systems, though in most cases even the 1200A is accurate enough, measuring to around 0.1A resolution.
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|  | Specifications Available in 300A, 600A or 1200A max
Dimensions: 80x47x22mm
Sensor hole diameter: 22mm
Weight: 90g