

The Magnum Opus of integrated control systems for your electric vehicle, our EVMS Core includes a vast range of functionality including:

BMS master control: Communicates with BMS modules over CAN bus and takes action if any cells go out of safe voltage or temperature range.
Instrumentation such as battery pack voltage, instantaneous current, battery state of charge
Optional staged precharging: Soft-start your motor controller, including error detection in cases of wiring or controller faults.
Contactor control: Management of auxiliary contactors to allow pack break-up when not driving or charging.
Temperature sensor input: For monitoring your motor temperature
Analog gauge outputs: Use your OEM fuel gauge to display battery SoC, your tachometer to display instantaneous amps, and your temp gauge to display motor temperature

The EVMS Core can also detect and warn of a variety of errors:

Monitors traction circuit isolation integrity to detect insulation faults
Overcurrent warning and shutdown (digital fuse)
BMS warning for cells outside safe voltage and temperature
Monitors auxiliary switches on contactors to detect if seized
Monitor 12V supply/battery with adjustable low voltage warning
Low battery SoC warning
CAN communications errors

For full functionality, the Core communicates over CAN bus with our EVMS Monitor device (sold separately) for viewing operating status, errors, instrumentation and BMS information from the vehicle cabin. The Monitor can also be used for configuring the Core and BMS modules over CAN bus.

Now available with three current sensor options, for 300A, 600A or 1200A max. Lower current sensors offer higher resolution/accuracy at low currents so we recommend going for the smallest sensor which will cover your needs.

Stationary Applications: The EVMS settings now allows you to switch to Stationary Mode, for battery backup and off-grid applications. In this mode, the Key input enables both Main Contactor and Charge Enable outputs concurrently. An undervoltage cell will disable the Main Contactor output (to remove any loads on the battery) and an overvoltage cell will disable the Charge Enable output (to disable any charging sources). In both cases the outputs are re-enabled once the voltage has recovered by 0.4V (i.e there is ±0.2V hysteresis around the configured thresholds). Note that precharging is not supported for stationary applications.

Use with system voltages above 320VDC nominal: The EVMS Core’s internal voltage measurement and isolation monitoring circuit has an absolute maximum voltage rating of 400VDC, making it suitable for nominal battery pack voltages up to about 320VDC. The Core may be used with higher voltages, but the HV+, HV- and Main Ctr- connections must be omitted. Precharging and isolation monitoring no longer supported, and system voltage is instead calculated from the sum of all cells connected to BMS modules.

Should I get the EVMS Core or EVMS Lite? Both the EVMS Lite and Core provide BMS functionality, contactor control, charge/drive interlock, aux (12V) battery voltage, traction battery voltage, current and state of charge (optional for EVMS Lite), and CAN bus interface for BMS modules and EVMS Monitor. The EVMS Core supports the following additional features:

Dedicated traction voltage measurement terminals
HV to chassis isolation monitoring
Optional precharger (12-160V or 160-320V rated)
Hall effect current sensor instead of current shunt
Temperature sensor (e.g motor or coolant temp)
Gauge outputs: fuel, temp, tachometer
Contactor auxiliary switch monitoring
Peukert’s Effect compensation (for PbA batteries)
Die cast, IP65 weatherproof housing

New for 2017: CAN bus integration with TC Chargers. The EVMS can now communicate with CAN-enabled TC Chargers to control charger operation over CAN bus for BMS protection, viewing/adjusting current and voltage, and charger status feedback. Please contact us in advance if you wish to use a CAN-enabled TC Charger with an EVMS, as it involves a CAN baud rate change and we will need to review your charger's CAN protocol to confirm compatibility.

Related Products

EVMS Monitor V2   $145.00
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12-cell Lithium BMS Module   $145.00
Automotive grade, CAN bus-enabled battery management and balancing for up to 12 cells per module.

Shielded Twisted Pair cable   $4.50
Ideal for reliable, low-noise CAN bus wiring. Sold by the metre.

CAN communication cable   $12.00
Pre-made CAN cables in lengths to order


- Power supply: 13.5V nominal (8-20V max)
Pack voltage range: 0-320V
Pack capacity range: 10-2500Ah
Current measurement range: +/-1200A
Diecast IP65 weatherproof housing
Outputs internally fused at 5A max
Dual CAN bus ports
Dimensions: 150x100x60mm
Weight: 250g

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